Welcome to ViewC.art

Increase Sales and Community Reach with

Incorporating an Online Art Gallery into your next show, contest, or exhibition can significantly enhance your event.

Overcome Capacity Limits

By supplementing your physical gallery with a virtual one, you can reach a broader audience and enhance marketing for your event and your artists.

Streamline Submission Management

The Online Art Gallery simplifies the submission process, allowing you to accept and manage submissions electronically. Custom fields can describe each piece, and data can be exported to a spreadsheet for generating labels or print catalogs. This feature is particularly beneficial for juried shows or select exhibitions, as judges can access artwork from anywhere, at any time.

Facilitate Online Sales

Selling individual pieces online through PayPal is seamless with an automated availability tool, which updates inventory based on sales status. This functionality removes the bottleneck of limited gallery capacity and hours, thus increasing your potential audience. For instance, Artworks of Trenton had their most successful “10×10” show ever with the help of an Online Art Gallery, even amidst the coronavirus pandemic.

Enhance Social Media Sharing

The gallery and individual pages are optimized for sharing on Facebook, Twitter, and other platforms. This makes it easy to leverage the reach of your artists to promote your show to their networks.

Gain Audience Insights

Receive detailed Google Analytics reports on gallery traffic, sources, and visitor interactions. These insights can help you better understand your audience’s interests and preferences.

Create a Lasting Archive

After the show, you will have a complete archive of the gallery, which you can post to your website or store for future reference.

By integrating Inforest’s Online Art Gallery, you can expand your reach, streamline operations, and increase sales, ensuring a successful event for both you and your artists.

Do You Work With Art Organization, Gallery Or Museum?

Let Us Create A Custom Gallery For Your Next Online Sale Or Virtual Event!

I was thoroughly impressed with what Inforest was able to do for us at Artworks.  The gallery and registration system they built for us, along with the custom e-commerce solution for our gallery was extremely easy to use, and seamlessly worked with our existing website.  By streamlining our virtual gallery, it saved us time, and headache, and simplified our backend.  It helped boost gallery sales, and bring our gallery to the patrons during these trying times.

Addison Vincent
Exhibits Coordinator, Artworks Trenton

Exhibits & Clients

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